Letter of the week series- இ

Materials required: Paint, Leaf, Paper Procedure: Write the letter இ on the paper with the corresponding word or take printout under Free printable menu. Apply paint on the leaf and ask the child to put it on the paper. You…

By SrideviG

Letter of the week series- Letter ஆ

The second letter in Tamil is Letter ஆ. This letter is pronounced with a long sound. Hence it is called Nedil ezhuthu. Short sound- Kuril ezhuthu Long sound- Nedil ezhuthu A small activity to teach the letter. Materials Required: A cup,…

By SrideviG

Letter of the week அ

The letter அ has its own importance in Tamil language. Our beloved Thiruvallur has started his "Thirukkural" with the first letter அ. "அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு". In this post, I've shared a simple post where you can…

By SrideviG


Hi, There is no specified syllabus prescribed by the government for Kindergartners, however they have crafted few guidelines to make the children ready to their Std. 1. Many parents are confused to decide what to teach their children after teaching…

By SrideviG