Letter of the week series- Letter ஆ

The second letter in Tamil is Letter ஆ. This letter is pronounced with a long sound. Hence it is called  Nedil ezhuthu. 

Short sound- Kuril ezhuthu

Long sound- Nedil ezhuthu

A small activity to teach the letter.

Materials Required: 

A cup, Cotton, glue, a drawing of the sheep or a printout (Refer to our free printable section for worksheets) , Paint/crayons.


First teach the child this is letter ஆ and the corresponding word for the letter. Ask the child to roll the cotton into small balls and stick on the picture. The rolling of cotton is a Fine motor activity which has it's own importance. Once they're done sticking the cotton, let them paint/color the legs and horn.



 Few activities you can do for the letter ஆ: 

  1. Practice tracing the letter on sand/rice with index finger.
  2. Ask the child to keep the pulses above the letter.
  3. Roll the playdough and keep on the letter.
  4. Draw ஆடு and ask the child to color.
  5. Give the worksheet and ask the child to write the letter and color the picture.

Few worksheets which you can use when you teach:

Poster ஆ

ஆ Matching Activity

Colouring and Dot marker Printable

Surprise - ஆச்சரியம் Printable