Letter ஊ

Few activities you can do for the letter  ஊ:

  1. Ask the child to keep the pulses above the letter.
  2. Roll the playdough and keep on the letter.
  3. Draw  ஊதல் (Whistle) and ask the child to colour.
  4. Do the activity we did as below.
  5. Give the worksheet and ask the child to write the letter and colour the picture.

 Activity we did for the letter ஊ  -  ஊதல் :

Materials required: 

Color paper/ Newspaper, Glue 


Write letter ஊ with the corresponding word or download from our Free printable menu. We wrote ஊ ஊதல். Draw ஊதல் and ask the child to tear the colour paper and stick on it.You can also use old newspaper for sticking or simply colour it.